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Book Review: To Your Dog's Health by Mark Poveromo

by Dr. Chris

March 20, 2011 In Mark Poveromo's new book, To Your Dog's Health, you'll get lots of great advice from someone who is an expert on pet nutrition. Mark Poveromo owns a dog and cat food store, and offers customers and readers information on how to avoid commercial dog foods and how to feed your pets in a more natural way.

Mark teaches us how to cook for our pets in a healthy way, and includes many recipes in the book, To Your Dog's Health.

Some highlights of the book include his recommended dog food brands, how to safely transition your dog to a newer and healthier diet, and how to deal with picky eaters.

One criticism of the book I have seen is that some feel his nutrition claims are not backed by science.

In the end, the book is a great read, and allows you to decide whether you want to change your dog's diet or not.

To read more reviews on this book go to Amazon.com at To Your Dog's Health!: Canine Nutrition and Recent Trends Within the Pet Food Industry.

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Mar 22, 2011
Thanks Doc
by: mark poveromo

Thank you Doc for your unbiased review of my book. It is awesome to see that more progressive vets like yourself see me (and my book) as an ally to vet medicine not a threat. God Bless and thanks again.

Mark Poveromo (Author,To Your Dog's Health)

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