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Dogtra Platinum 2 Dog 1/2 Mile Remote Trainer 282NCP

by DrChrisPetCare.com


Today, e-collars like the Dogtra Platinum 2 Dog 1/2 Mile Remote Trainer 282NCP have become advanced tools, and punishment training comprises just a small percentage of their use. When utilized by a trainer who has taken enough time to know the basics, we believe they are very beneficial and very gentle tools. We use them every day. Open a kennel door, and our dogs will stick their necks out, looking forward to the e-collar being placed on. Because it means we will go have fun. They're definitely not a total necessity, but they could make your training time a more enjoyable and effective. And, the additional control they give the trainer great confidence. This makes the whole dog control experience more pleasurable.

Catalog ID: 282NCP


* 1/2-mile range
* Fully waterproof
* 127 levels of correction
* Low to medium power
* Nick, constant and page
* 2 collar/receivers & 1 remote


The Dogtra 282 NCP Platinum is a completely water resistant 2-dog electronic trainer which has adequate power to cover a 1/2-mile range. It'll keep the fastest dogs that love sprinting ahead to solid cover in line. The portable transmitter comes with a lighted LCD screen. The 2 collar / receivers contain rechargeable batteries with nick, continuous and pager vibration settings. NICK is a temporary burst of pre-measured stimulation; CONTINUOUS gives electrical stimulation provided you hold the button down, approximately 8 seconds; and PAGE will cause the collar to vibrate for nonelectrical stimulation. Includes rechargeable/replaceable batteries, charger, splitter cable, test light and user's guide. 127 rheostatic degrees of correction.

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Click Here: Dogtra Platinum 2 Dog 1/2 Mile Remote Trainer 282NCP

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