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Dogtra 3 Dog 1 Mile Remote Trainer 1803NC

by DrChrisPetCare.com


Teaching your dog with a remote trainer, also called an "e-collar" or a "shock collar," could be beneficial in situations where you cannot correct your dog because of the distance between both of you. This is where the Dogtra 3 Dog 1 Mile Remote Trainer 1803NC helps. Although a lot of hunters use e-collars when training their dogs to hunt and retrieve, pet owners may also use the e-collar to teach dogs to respect certain areas or heed certain commands when outdoors.

Catalog ID: 1803NC


These features, together with industry-leading toughness, make the 1800NC Pack Trainer the Leader of the Pack.

* Fully waterproof, 1-mile range
* Rechargeable Ni-MH batteries
* Low to high power transmitter
* Tri-color LED Battery Life Indicator
* Controls up to 4 dogs in the field all at once
* User-friendly controls, easy-to-useñ no pre-programming required
* Selector type intensity control ñ 8 degrees of nick and constant stimulation
* Also available up to four-dog system: 1800NC, 1802NC, 1803NC, 1804NC


The Dogtra 3 Dog 1 Mile Remote Trainer is made for beagle and hound owners or anyone who requires a dependable long range training collar to manipulate a number of dogs in the field at the same time.

The 1800NC is a reasonably-priced single or multi-dog unit that provides eight levels of stimulation with a selector style intensity control.

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Click Here: Dogtra 3 Dog 1 Mile Remote Trainer 1803NC

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